Photographs available for you through smug mug


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The secret power of beauty as a source of well-being. 

See dozens of my favorite photographs available for purchase now on my smug mug account. Link above.

Contemplative photography is created through the practice of mindfulness. It is a genre of photography that offers the viewer a respite from the stress and anxiety of daily life. By slowing down and being more connected to the beauty of life we can experience a deepened sense of wellbeing and calm. I have created this collection with that intention. 

I have been practicing contemplate photography for the past decade and published a book: Flow-tography to share the process with amateur photographers. (Available on iTunes and here). I focus on the art of seeing and being more present by slowing down.

During the pandemic, I stopped giving in person workshops and started to deepen my own contemplative practice. I went on photo walks in nature in Boston by myself  in silence every week for 52 weeks.  This discipline  of focusing on moments of beauty helped me reduce my feelings of anxiety.

I encourage you to take your time so you feel the effects of slowing down to really see deeply. If you find an image you love, I hope you purchase it for your home, or give it as a gift to someone who would enjoy it.

How to view a contemplative image. Focus on your inner state as well as on the image. This balance between inner and outer experience is what rejuvenates and revitalizes us.  


Scan the collection on smug mug

Select one image that catches your eye

Stick with it for a full minute

Take three deep breaths and relax you gaze. Just enjoy the colors, textures, shapes and other visual elements purely for their own sake. There is nothing to understand or interpret. Just enjoy the lines, patterns and forms.  

Suzanne Merritt  Founder: Curious Soul Photos